The Newest Sci-Fi Novel by A.V. Ashry

The aliens are coming to meet us.

They say they’re worried about us.

Duncan was lying in a puddle of vomit, clutching a terminal diagnosis in one hand and a termination letter in the other, when he got the first mass text alert from beyond the stars.

The Isiri came in peace, promising cures for all mankind’s ills. Three years later, Duncan — still jobless, homeless, bullet-scarred and now dying of kidney failure — thinks they’re full of shit. Still, he’ll thumb a ride from any nutjob to see an alien before he dies.

Dr. Emiline Lawrence’s superiors call her the world’s first xeno-misanthropologist, but at least the Isiri like her. They’re the only people who do. In ten thousand years of searching the cosmos, humans are the only other civilization they have found. They are lonely. They want our love the way a junkie wants a fix — and Em would know. She also knows that if she can’t persuade the Isiri to abandon Earth, the violent mess of humanity will destroy them utterly.

Judith wants to be a good mother and faithful wife, but times are tough for a young farming family. The Government took her farm to build the aliens a research facility. With every passing year, the Isiri have asked for more land and resources and trust. The elected traitors in Washington give them everything without a thought to what it costs people like Judith.

True patriots won’t have to kneel much longer before alien gods — because Judith’s gone to get her gun.

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